Laser Classes

Laser Course

Laser Class

Elaine Sterling Institute now offers Cosmetic Laser Training to advance your career in the medical aesthetic industry. Our Laser Course taught by highly a qualified laser professional which includes 3 certificates signed by a physician to meet the state medical board requirements for licensure.

This course meets Georgia Medical Board Guidelines for Senior Laser Practitioner and Assistant Laser Practitioner CEU Requirements.

Class size is limited so reserve your space today!

What you will receive: 3 Cosmetic Laser Certificates (1 IPL and 1 Laser Hair Reduction and 1 Laser Physics and Safety)

Laser training material emailed 1 day prior to course
Lunch not provided


April 25th 1 day $990
April 26th additional hands on day 2 $495

*Post graduate classes are subject to change.  If classes changes you will be notified and and refunded with in 30 days.

Day 1 Class

Enrollment Total Price: $990.00
Required Deposit: $495.00

Day 2 Optional Class

Enrollment Total Price: $495

Dr. Slater

Aesthetic body Sculpture Clinic Center for Anti-Aging

Please review our class requirements, information and etiquette here.

Completion of course does not guarantee licensure.

Call Cassie Draper to reserve your spot today!

Aesthetic Body Sculpture Clinic & Center for Anti-Aging

4840 Roswell Rd. D-100
Atlanta, GA 30342
678-374-6242 (Fax)